Dr. Christian Sievi
Partner RISKBalance
Core Competences
Banking product development, asset allocation, risk and return strategies, strategical bank development
Professional Experience
- Over 30 years of consulting assignments and chairing seminars to different banking subjects
- Essential participation on development of market interest rates, net present value and performance methods
- Developer of bank management approach: "Einfache Bank". www.die-einfache-bank.de
- Currently actively supports following professional fields: risk measurement and risk limitation, asset allocation, strategy and bank products policy in customer business as well as overall bank strategy.
Mathematician, major: economic science, Ph.D. studies with Prof. Heinen
Location: Stephanskirchen
Tel: +49 (0) 1 60 / 90 30 80 79
E-Mail: christian.sievi(at)riskbalance.de
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